03 June 2009

I recently read that old question:
If God can do anything, can he make a rock that is so big he can't pick it up?

This is what I like to call a "pharisaical question." The Pharisees were always asking Jesus these kinds of questions. They didn't care about the question or the answer. They were just trying to "trip Jesus up!" I can picture them at home in the evenings, thinking up new questions. Calling each other with clever philosophical quandaries. Congratulating each other on ways to "stump the preacher!" 

But Jesus didn't play their game. He answered without hesitation from the heart of God, from a Kingdom perspective. He baffled them, because he didn't buy into their perception of the world and of God. He knew God intimately.  

The variation on the "big rock" question that I often hear people discuss today is: "If God is sovereign and has absolute control over everything in existence, how can I have 'free-will?' If I do have the ability to make decisions apart from God, then there is an area of existence where he doesn't have control, and therefore would not be completely sovereign."

Yeah. Whatever. When in doubt, go to scripture. And scripture says that God IS sovereign and that people DO have free-will.  

Sometimes I am amazed that people think that they can out-think God!  

It's a mystery to us, people! If you could physically stand before God and ask him one question, what would it be?
For me It certainly wouldn't be "If you can do anything, can you make a rock so big that you can't pick it up?"

23 May 2009

I had the most amazing thing to blog today.
I was walking in from the laundry and had an urge to write this phenomenal thing.
But I had too much work to do.
So I thought I would do the mature thing and work and leave blogging till later.
Now it's later and I can't remember what I was going to say.

12 May 2009

Where-air-air-air-air is love?

Okay.  I've got that song from Oliver stuck in my head.
I really like the tune.

And some of the words are nice too:

"Where-air-air-air-air is HE?
The one I close my eyes to see?
Will I ever know the sweet 'Hello!'
that's meant for only me?"

BUT what I meant to write is:
WHAT is love!
Isn't it weird that sometimes the easiest things
are the hardest to explain?
I mean, we experience love from a very early age.
And yet, can you put into words what it is?

Here's a list of some of my loves:

my family
chocolate ice cream
warm, fresh sour dough bread
san francisco
going to baseball games
SF cable cars
teaching first grade
oversized jerseys and comfy denim jeans
long, wide, clean unpopulated beaches
my cat
good books
relationships like:
peregrin took and meriadoc brandybuck
samwise gamgee and frodo baggins
gimli and legolas
dan in real life
i am sam
songs by jon foreman

How on earth can there be one word that describes all these different experiences/feelings/thing-mees?

I know that in other languages and cultures there are more than one word for "love."
But we have the one.

And everybody is searching for it!
Maybe "Where-air-air-air-air is love?" is the right question after all.

Let me know when you find it and where!

1 John 4 : 7 - 21

26 April 2009

Pour out Your Spirit, Lord

How does it happen?
How do we bring unity?
How do we become more connected
to the Lord and to each other?
How do we walk in the light of the Kingdom?
How are we light in the darkness of this world?

It is so easy to focus on the things around us, Lord.
it is so easy to get swept into the ACTIVITY of the day.

We want to see You, Lord!
We want to see everything in this world in light of Your Kingdom!

We can't do it.
We can't bring unity.
We can't connect.
We can't walk in light.
We fall down.  Over and over again, we fall down.

You have to do it in us, Lord.
How do we become open to Your work in us?

We need to draw aside from this terribly wild world,
from the constant busyness, from the non-stop advertisements,
from the noise, from the drama, from the distractions.
We need to draw aside and step into the quiet
and open Your Word
and let You touch us.

Draw us.
Touch us.
Fill us, Lord.

Pour out Your Spirit upon us!
We are thirsty, Lord!

07 April 2009

words words words words words words words words
i can't hear you anymore.
words words words words words words words words
these words are getting in the way.
words words words words words words words words
i'll just wait for the quiet,
words words words words words words words words
for the stillness . . .
words words words words words words words words
for that is when i best hear the Lord.
words words words words words words words words

03 April 2009

abide in the VINE

Jesus talks to us using pictures we can understand.
He says in John 15 that he is the TRUE VINE.
I am grafted on to the TRUE VINE -- the Vine that has rich and real life flowing through it, into me!
And when His life flows through me FRUIT is produced (see Galatians).

When I look, what fruit do I find on the branches?
What fruit do you see in your life?

22 March 2009

jon's lyrics -- part three

Check this out:  (from Fall)

The Cure for Pain

So I'm not sure why it always flows downhill

Why broken cisterns never could stay filled

I've spent ten years singing gravity away

But the water keeps on falling from the sky

And here tonight while the stars are blacking out

With every hope and dream I've ever had in doubt

I've spent ten years trying to sing these doubts away

But the water keeps on falling from my eyes

And heaven knows, heaven knows

I tried to find a cure for the pain

Oh my Lord! To suffer like you do

It would be a lie to run away

So blood is fire pulsing through our veins

We're either writers or fools behind the reigns

I've spent ten years trying to sing it all away

But the water keeps on falling from my tries

And heaven knows, heaven knows

I tried to find a cure for the pain

Oh my Lord! To suffer like you do

It would be a lie to run away


Singing gravity away . . . but the water keeps on falling

It would be a lie to run away.


19 March 2009

upside down . . . . . inside out

the wise will be foolish
the strong will be weak
the first will be last
the proud will be made low
the rich will be poor
the master will be the servant
to live you must die

18 March 2009

jon's lyrics --part two

Lord save me from myself

Okay -- that's not a whole lot of lyrics!  :)
The entire song is great -- but that one line says it all!

Most people think they need to be saved from:
  • boring job
  • dull existence
  • routine
  • nagging family members
  • sin (whatever that is . . . bad stuff I do?)
  • irritating people
  • shady past
  • small addictions
  • _______________ (fill in the blank)
BUT there is really only one thing from which we need to be saved.

ME IN THE MIDDLE is otherwise known as SIN!
When it is all about ME, I need to be saved!

Lord, save me from myself!

17 March 2009

jon's lyrics --part one

Okay -- do you know Jon Foreman?
Switchfoot.  Ring any bells?
The man has recently released four EPs entitled
"fall," "winter," "spring," and "summer."
AMAZING stuff!!!
The lyrics are awesome.  Really.

Check this out:

All along I thought
I was learning how to take
How to bend not how to break
How to laugh not how to cry
But really
I've been learning how to die

("Learning How To Die" from winter)

WOW!  I mean -- that is what I was blogging about the other day.
Seeming contradictions.  

This life is all about learning to die!

John 12:24-26

Following Jesus means
denying ourselves,
picking up our cross (that's DEATH!) daily,
and following HIM!
Luke 9:23-25

did i pick up my cross today?????


"Musa" in Zulu.  
Name of my second daughter:  Hannah!

According to my dictionary:
grace:  1)  simple elegance
            2)  free and unmerited favour of God
            3)  an extended period granted as a special favour
            4)  a short prayer of thanks before a meal
            5)  address for a duke, duchess or archbishop

Okay -- I am talking about the #2 kinda grace!

How to define "grace?"  What did Paul have to say about it?
Check out Romans.  Paul juxtaposes grace with legalism.
Can you earn it?  How?  
Is there reward for merit?

It is something that has to be experienced.
So, grace to each of us will be a bit different?  And yet the same?

Tell me about your experience of GRACE!!!

16 March 2009

questions in corinthians

Where is the wise man?
Where is the scholar?
Where is the philosopher of this age?

The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom.
The weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

like a child
MATTHEW 18:2-4

all the answers

you seem to know all the answers.
you even reply before the question is complete.
how wonderful to be filled with so much knowledge.
like a little leavening 
in a little loaf
goes a long way.

Lord, save us from ourselves!

faith and following

What is faith?
Are there different levels of faith?
Or different kinds of faith?
What is the difference between faith and trust?
In what/whom do we have faith?
In what/whom do we put our trust?

Faith determines behaviour.
Faith is manifest through behaviour.

Live by faith.  How does this happen?

What does it mean to have our faith tested?
And who is the testing for?

What is meant by a "living faith?"

Ephesians 2
Hebrews 11

What depends on me?
Does my salvation depend on me?
Does my faith depend on me?
Does my life depend on me?
What depends on me?

What is it that we follow?
Do we follow a faith?
Do we follow a set of doctrines?
Do we follow a system of beliefs?

Or do we follow Jesus?
How do we follow Jesus?
Matthew 16:24